About the Pivot view

The Pivot view lets you create multi-way tabulations and calculations. A pivot table is useful for creating tabulations over a large data set, and can be copied as a separate data table for further analysis. The Pivot view consists of one or more pivots and one or more aggregate functions.

A pivot refers to one or more columns used to define rows in the pivot table; each row then corresponds to a particular combination of values in the pivot. For example, if the data table is a list of people, and a pivot includes sex and age, the pivot table will have rows for "male" and "18", "female" and "18", "male" and "19", "female" and "19", and so on. For category columns, each category value will be used in the pivot; for non-category numeric columns, ranges of values corresponding to the column’s quantiles will be used.

One or more aggregate functions can then be applied to the pivot. An aggregate function performs a calculation over all records with a particular set of values defined by the pivot. By default, a count aggregate function appears in the Pivot view which tells you the number of records that correspond to each row in the pivot table. Other aggregate functions can produce summary statistics of columns of interest.

The aggregate functions available for category columns are:

The aggregate functions available for non-category text columns are:

The aggregate functions available for numeric columns are:

The aggregate functions available for date/time columns are:

A list of aggregations appears on the left of the Pivot view. The pivot columns can be configured at the bottom. In the main pivot table, columns used in the pivot will appear to the left of columns displaying the results of aggregations. Ditto marks (〃) indicate repeated pivot values. Note that you can set up multiple independent pivots and then apply the defined aggregate functions to any pivot in the pivot drawer.

See also:

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